

All Incepa products are manufactured to NBR 13818 standards. In this way, it guarantees first quality “A” products against manufacturing defects, provided that the standards for its application and the correct specification are observed, according to the environment (see tables of PEI indicative of areas of use for the product packaging).

The warranty the products must be required by showing the invoice of purchase of the product and the packaging identifying its name and class, with no guarantee of labor or materials used for its application such as grouting and grouting.


COMMENTS: Observe the rules of settlement, care in the execution and protection of the product against risks and impacts during the construction phase, as well as in the final cleaning, are the responsibilities of the manufacturer. Defects caused by these factors are not covered.

Inadequate cleaning products can attack the surface of ceramic products. Carefully observe the instructions on the packaging as there is no guarantee that incorrect cleaning products will be used.


Warranty will automatic be invalid if:


If your product proves to be defective in manufacturing, please inform Incepa Service immediately by calling 0xx41-2105-2500 or by email assistencia.incepa@incepa.com.br, but do this before setting the pieces.

“Product settled, product accepted”.